Insights / HTEC News / eXecutive Update™ Event Invitation: Corporates Disrupting the Industries They Serve


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eXecutive Update™ Event Invitation: Corporates Disrupting the Industries They Serve

26 May, 16:00 – 17:30 CET, Stockholm

Event Partner: THINGS Stockholm

Apply on this link *

When digitizing large traditional corporations a new kind of resourcefulness is needed to connect multiple moving parts and processes. Businesses accelerate at the intersection of new ideas, business models and technologies. These new digital capabilities revolve around innovation which enables corporations to operate more sustainably, and to adapt quicker to the evolving market conditions and user expectations.

However, a less known fact is that digital transformation opens possibilities of further platformization of such internally built digital products which create ecosystems for global disruption within the industries they serve. 

As an exclusive member of THINGS, the most prominent innovation hub and tech community in the Nordics, HTEC will have the pleasure to present these exciting new opportunities based on the real life success achieved with our partners Stena Bulk and OrbitMI Inc

OrbitMI Inc. is a software company based in New York City with offices in Sweden, Norway, Greece, and Serbia, and partners across the world. Their mission is to unlock the hidden value in data and connect the maritime industry players to help the entire sector become more efficient and sustainable.


  • Magnus Melander, Co-founder THINGS: Introductory note 
  • Erik Hånell CEO & President Stena Bulk: How Stena Bulk digitized their vessel management operations and then externalized the innovative solution into a data driven spin-out. 
  • Ali Riaz, CEO OrbitMI: Taking the spin-out successfully to market. 
  • Darko Todorovic, Director of Engineering HTEC Group: The mechanics, strategy, technology and innovation that transformed Stena Bulk’s operations into a beautiful Orbit platform. 
  • Q&A 

THINGS eXecutive Update™ 

THINGS eXecutive Update™ is designed for executives among the THINGS members to rapidly get a deep dive into a challenging high priority topic from the experts who have done it and are kind enough to share their experience. In agreement with THINGS, we have made this eXecutive™ Update open to non-THINGS members for a fee. 

Please contact Magnus Melander, or +46 70 230 72 51 for feedback or proposals, or if you want to become a member!


*As a panelist, HTEC Group is eligible to offer a limited number of tickets to the interested participants. Please contact to secure your seat at the event.


Erik Hånell, CEO & President Stena Bulk

Long-time executive in global trade, Erik started his career at Stena Bulk as manager of commercial operations in 1999, working his way up to president and chief executive by 2012. 

Ali Riaz, CEO OrbitMI, Inc. 

Ali has devoted his career to helping emerging businesses scale operations and compete on a global scale. Raised in Norway, he lived and worked in the USA, Switzerland and England, and established businesses everywhere from South Africa to Japan.

Darko Todorovic, Director of Engineering and Delivery HTEC Group

Darko specializes in AI, ML, Data Science, IoT and Robotics application in business digitalization and organizational transformation across industries. He teaches in the department of Control Systems and also leads the Robotics Laboratory at the University of Nis.


THINGS was established in 2014 with the goal to transform innovation in small innovative tech companies to value creation in large companies through collaboration. With the mantra ”hands on and business first” THINGS has gathered around this idea a community of more than 100 member companies, 50/50 tech companies and corporations from Tokyo to Silicon Valley. THINGS is an innovation hub and a driver of change with the focus on Deep Tech in Industry, Infrastructure, Utilities and Mobility. Through its partnerships in key domains and geographies THINGS delivers high quality cross-border services to our members. THINGS members include Assa Abloy, Husqvarna, Akademiska Hus, SAAB, Scania, Mavenir Networks, IHI Corporation, Hitachi Power Grid, Flir Systems and HTEC Group. 

For more information please visit

Note: THINGS eXecutive Update™ is conducted in English and will be recorded. THINGS and HTEC Group reserve the right to use the recording for promotional purposes, for instance upload to our YouTube channel and THINGS – Innovation Growhouse. Zoom records only persons presenting during the event. As a participant, please write your full name so we can identify your attendance.
