Insights / HTEC Culture / 5 Years of HTEC Office in Novi Sad: Key Milestones


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5 Years of HTEC Office in Novi Sad: Key Milestones

The HTEC Novi Sad office has just turned 5! 

This week our HTEC Office in Novi Sad is celebrating its 5th birthday. We can’t believe it’s been five years since we first stepped into the office — when only a few of us were just opening the doors to a world of opportunities for people from various departments with the aim to build up a thriving culture that would allow us to position ourselves on the market. Now, five years later, it’s hard not to be impressed by the incredible growth of this office and the value it brings to the company as a whole. 

We are proud of how much the Novi Sad office has evolved over the past 5 years, now serving as one of the powerful engines that keep HTEC in motion. 

I love being able to share with you some insight into life behind the scenes as well as the biggest milestones we have reached in the last five years. 

Year #1: Opening the Doors of HTEC Novi Sad Office 

The first year of the HTEC Office in Novi Sad is marked with enormous strength and willingness to build our brand awareness and increase our visibility across the local community and beyond, so that we would position ourselves on the market. As much as HTEC Group had already had a stable system for 10 years in Belgrade at the time, noone had ever heard of HTEC in Novi Sad because, back then, it did not have marketing as it does today. So, it was very hard to find the right candidates to join our mission because we still did not have standardised processes — we were only taking the baby steps to build a culture, processes and new projects that would allow us to grow. The growth was slow back then. But we could not even imagine what would happen in the years to come. 

Year #2: Our First Project 

The real work began when we landed our first project. Having joined the company in 2017, I was excited to see such an amazing energy and immense support coming from our people who showed an amazing skill set, experience and expertise navigating the communication with the client and reaching key project milestones. This had a major impact on their experience which served them well in many ways since, especially on the biggest project HTEC has worked on so far and is still working on. 

Year #3: Reaching New Heights 

The third year of the HTEC office in Novi Sad is the year of great achievement — the stepping stone in our growth that had and is having a tremendous impact on all of our current and future endeavours. We got to work for one of the most disruptive companies in the world, on, currently, the biggest project in HTEC in terms of the number of people who are working on it, the complexity and the values it brings to our company’s growth. And the whole story started in Novi Sad. 

A great thing is that we managed to create useful practices here, in Novi Sad, and develop an ever-growing team of people. At the beginning, Marko Anic, Predrag Pivarski and I were all very connected but also very different — this drove us to start working on so many different things that would bring the HTEC Group office to new heights. Today we are really proud that we can implement these practices on other projects and spark innovation across various business domains

Year #4: Acquisition of Execom

It’s a pure coincidence that I used to work in Execom before I joined HTEC Group in 2017. So, It came as a huge surprise, when, 4 years later, in 2020, HTEC acquired Execom, one of the most successful software engineering companies in Novi Sad, engaging close to 200 professionals across domains and technologies. At the beginning, it was a challenge to merge these two cultures together because our processes, interpersonal relationships and also relationships with clients were a bit different. But we have been working on bridging this gap ever since and, eventually, things got much easier — we managed to find the joint path to continue strengthening HTEC for future battles and victories and we are positive that this collaboration will only bring us one step closer to our goal.

Year #5: Going above and beyond 

We started small, and now we have become the biggest HTEC office. We are almost 400 people strong and we are bigger than ever, and not just surviving, but thriving! And the space has become too small for us! Now We are all looking forward to moving to a new office space which will definitely be a grand finale of the fifth year of Novi Sad office existence. Of course, many of our highlights and achievements are still in the making. But when we consider HTEC’s full 5 years, the word I would choose to describe our success is persistence. We never give up, because we know that “all the progress takes place outside the comfort zone” (Michael John Bobak) 

Big Things Are Coming 

We are set to turn our vision into reality and make a positive difference in the communities we operate. And achieving these milestones has only reinforced our commitment to do so.

Whether it’s helping people find their career path or creating an inclusive society and work environment, we’ll play our part to remove barriers and help people to get to where they want to be. There will be more to come on this exciting journey but now is a moment to reflect and celebrate our people who are now on their way to where they want to be.

Want to show your ingenuity and spark innovation across some of the most challenging and exciting projects? Check out our open positions and come join us. We’d love to meet you!
