Insights / HTEC Culture / HTEC Group in Stockholm


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HTEC Group in Stockholm

This time we’re taking you on a short journey through Stockholm and HTEC Group office in this amazingly innovative city.

Enjoy the ride!

Innovation and business in Stockholm

Stockholm is a city with a proud history and tradition, but it is also highly innovative. After all, Sweden now tops every other European country when you measure the total value of Unicorns, based on a recent GP Bullhound Report. Artists and trailblazers flock here, eager to tap into the creativity that seems to be a part of Stockholm’s DNA. 

This ‘get up and go’ approach extends to the business world too. Stockholm sits behind only Paris and London when it comes to being a hub for global headquarters, and foreign companies make up some 85% of the headquarters in the city. What is it about Stockholm that attracts innovators and pioneers alike? Undoubtedly, atmosphere and opportunity, but Stockholm as a city has put everything in place to allow that creativity to flow. According to Erik Krüger, Head of Investments and Establishments, at Invest Stockholm, factors such as access to capital and talents, a vibrant tech scene, ease of doing business, international connectivity, and access to a large consumer market in the Nordics all play an important role in clients’ decision to establish in Stockholm. 

Sustainability, gender equality, and diversity high on the agenda

Stockholm is leading the way in sustainability and this is where technology can play a major role.Green thinking is evident in every aspect of Stockholm hospitality such as transports, venues, hotels and activities.

Another interesting fact is that Sweden has maintained its leading position when it comes to gender equality when compared to the EU countries. With 83.8 out of 100 points, Sweden ranks 1st in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. 

This has a high impact on the local startup scene in Stockholm. Namely, together with over 100 companies, including unicorn companies, Stockholm has been declared as “A Woman’s Place” to support both men and women in leveraging business opportunities. With the recently established “Stockholm Scaleup Program”, Stockholm has taken another step to provide everyone with equal opportunities for starting a business. The program offers both men and women deep knowledge and practical advice on how to grow their business and connects them with mentors and potential investors. 

What is Stockholm like?

Stockholm is special. The Swedish capital is a rollercoaster of idyllic islands, old-time architecture, genre-defining innovation, and proudly traditional gastronomy, furthering the idea that trying to force these people into a neat definition is a mission impossible. Stockholm is where a thousand different ideas collide to create something undeniably unique. Stockholm is beautiful, and Stockholm is barnstorming, the sort of place that makes diehard fans out of even the most hardened of cynics. One of the safest, cleanest, and most peaceful cities on the planet always ranks highly on lists concerning gender equality, sustainability, and diversity. Stockholm is proof that it is possible to get this modern living deal right after all. 

What’s it like to live there?

Made up of 14 islands, Stockholm is quite an incredible place to live. The Swedish capital is a beautiful city with green spaces at every turn, a cultural hub with all the amenities one could need, and seemingly endless opportunities for exploration and adventure. It also happens to have one of the lowest crime rates of any major city, an unbeatable work/life balance, and some of the best multilingual schools and healthcare providers in Europe. This place is sometimes referred to as the World’s Smallest Big City, and the description fits. 

What’s the weather like?

Sweden has a certain reputation when it comes to the weather, but visitors will be pleasantly surprised by the moderately continental climate and its status as a year-round destination. Summers can be positively balmy, while winters are admittedly cold but magical all the same. Few cities shine as brightly over the festive period as Stockholm. Average temperatures range from -3°C in winter to 20°C during the summer.

What are the city’s highlights?

Stockholm’s aesthetic quality stands out, rendering each street with a glimmering shine that is downright intoxicating. With that in mind, Stockholm’s major highlight is its radiant beauty. In terms of tangible tourist attractions, it is hard to look past the opulent confidence of Drottningholm Royal Summer Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site overlooking the stunning Lake Mälaren, the majestic Royal Palace (one of the largest in Europe), and the seemingly endless array of artifacts and historical tidbits on show at the famous Vasa Museum

The latter is home to an almost-intact warship that gives the museum its name, very much a ‘see it to believe it’ attraction. Stockholm’s Old Town (Gamla Stan) is the dictionary definition of quaint, while Södermalm takes its title as the cultural center of Stockholm life very seriously indeed. Spreading further out, the entire Stockholm Archipelago is made up of around 30,000 islands and is a conveyor belt of natural beauty. If you’re assuming that an archipelago of 30,000 islands leads to perfect picturesque views, you’re not wrong. 

Where can I try the best local food?

There is more to Swedish food than meatballs, no matter how excellent those might be. 

It centers on healthy, locally produced food, and some preparation methods come from Viking Era. Many international influences like Italian, Turkish and French cuisines shaped Swedish cuisine as well. For instance, the most famous Swedish dish, meatballs, was brought over from Turkey by King Charles XII early in the 18th century. 

However, Swedes pay special attention to their healthy lifestyle. They eat as naturally as possible and emphasize food production ethics and animal welfare — there is a high demand for organic produce and locally made food.

As one should expect, Stockholm is home to many of Sweden’s best restaurants. It is operating somewhat under the radar as a real hub of culinary creativity and innovation, embracing the sustainability of local produce and time-tested methods used since the days of the Vikings. Stockholm’s restaurants range from the uber-traditional Ulla Winbladh to Michelin magic at Oaxen Krog & Slip. Den Gyldene Freden is one of the oldest restaurants in the city that somehow manages to get better with every passing year, offering a famous menu full of traditional dishes such as pickled herring and reindeer. 

Finally, with the climate crisis high on the agenda, more and more people in Sweden are trying to build more sustainable dietary habits that would lead to zero waste. Overall, the national food scene in Sweden is driven by sustainability and innovation. Traditional ingredients and preparations form this country’s rich culinary heritage. 

What about the nightlife?

Going out in Stockholm is all about style, although that can be interpreted in various ways. The capital has a tremendous selection of bars, pubs, and clubs that provide something for everyone, whether that is a beer in a dive bar or an evening of elegance at a rooftop bar overlooking the Baltic Sea. The Swedes themselves might fit the northern stereotypes in many ways but dismiss their energy and excitement at your peril. Legendary nights out await.

What are people like?

Like many of their northern neighbors, Swedes have a reputation for being a little tentative to open up, but in no way should this be construed as a negative. The people of Stockholm are thoughtful and considerate. Still, they are every bit as passionate as Europeans on the other side of the continent, albeit in a delightfully eccentric Swedish sort of way. This city values personal responsibility, efficiency, and opinions. 


About HTEC Group in Stockholm

To give you a sneak peek into our Stockholm office, we talked with Niklas Johnsson, our Business Development Manager for the Nordics:

“HTEC Group and Stockholm are a perfect match. Both are defined by innovation and a willingness to push the envelope while developing inclusivity and diversity. The HTEC Group’s ability to hire, keep and develop talent makes them able to meet the most advanced technical challenges required to work with the world’s most demanding companies. 

The identity that HTEC Group has created in the workplace is mirrored by the ethics and atmosphere of the Swedish capital. Commitment to finding and developing talent in this most ambitious of cities has led to creating a widely respected hub for deep tech and innovation. 

The HTEC Group Stockholm office was established not only to bring the company’s intricate understanding of deep tech to the Nordic markets, where a keen eye on the future is a vital part of doing business but also to find great new technology partners with whom they could collaborate, innovate and create creative hubs and co-lab spaces.

Swedish and Nordic companies have come far in realizing that sustainability is more than a buzzword — it is inherent to everything that happens. Sweden is aware that there are many aspects to building a sustainable society, and that one key enabler is technology. And technology is at the heart of HTEC Group. So, it’s a match made in heaven.” explains Niklas Johnsson. 

We are proud to say that HTEC Group is an exclusive Partner of THINGS Sweden, the most prominent innovation hub in the Nordics. You can read more about it here. Recently, together with THINGS Sweden, Bulk Stena and OrbitMI, we organized an THINGS Executive Update online event where we discussed the story behind the successful transformation of Stena Bulk business.

Moving Forward 

We are on our tour to HTEC Group offices around the world. What’s our next stop? Stay up to date to find out more! 

While waiting, check out our HTEC Group in Belgrade
