Insights / Industry Perspectives / Medical Alley Webinar: The evolving benefits of AI in healthcare


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Medical Alley Webinar: The evolving benefits of AI in healthcare

In a recent webinar organized by Medical Alley and HTEC included Sava Marinkovic, head of healthtech practice at HTEC, Paul Mullen, general manager of acute care, GE Healthcare, and Sam Roosz from Crescendo Health (formerly DataVant).

The group discussed the questions surrounding the benefits of AI in healthcare and whether healthcare organizations can gather enough data from various sources to deliver accurate results. 

Listen to the webinar to learn more about: 

  • The proper role of AI in healthcare
  • Where AI shouldn’t be used in the clinical pathway
  • How AI in healthcare should be designed and implemented
  • Whether the benefits of AI in healthcare is overhyped
  • Whether we need machine learning (ML) if we create a good medical expert device
  • The importance of transparency in how AI models are developed 
  • Hidden risks of data

About the speakers

Sava Marinkovich, head of healthtech at HTEC, a global consulting, product development and digital platform engineering company headquartered in San Francisco with offices in Minneapolis, Chicago, UK, Scandinavia, and the Netherlands. Sava is a veteran executive with extensive product, strategy, and investment experience. With an early career foundation at GE Healthcare, Sava has built and launched multiple consumer and medical devices from concept to manufacturing and market.

Sam Roosz is co-founder and CEO of Crescendo Health, a healthcare technology company focused on empowering patients to contribute their data to clinical trials. Most recently, Sam co-founded Datavant, a leading provider of de-identification and linking solutions for health data. Sam received a degree in molecular and cellular biology from Harvard and holds an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Paul Mullen’s résumé is nearly entirely filled with experience at GE Healthcare, completing 38 years of service with the company in December 2021. But his organizational experience extends beyond the corporate world: Paul is a founding partner of Frontera Business Services, a company that provides transaction processing and donor relationship management support to small- and medium-sized NGOs that raise money in the US. He serves as board member or board advisor to several NGOs and community organizations.

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