Insights / Industry Perspectives / Tech Forward Webinar: API testing with Gson and RestAssured


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Tech Forward Webinar: API testing with Gson and RestAssured

The most recent edition of our Tech Forward webinar series featured HTEC’s QA automation engineer and QA tech lead, Miloš Najdanović, who provided an insightful talk focused on API testing with Gson and RestAssured libraries in Java.

Miloš’s presentation provided a broader context for the subject matter, clarifying API-related fundamentals and highlighting the key reasons for API testing before diving deep into the technical minutiae.

In his talk, Miloš also covered the serialization and deserialization of Java Classes to and from JSON responses using the Gson library, and using RestAssured for requests, before moving on to test examples, interpreting test results, and using test failures to debug easily.

After the presentation, Miloš was joined by HTEC’s director of technology Goran Savić and fellow QA tech lead Kristijan Ristić. Together, they answered a wide array of audience questions in a busy Q&A session.

Watch the video:

We caught up with Miloš after the webinar to get his impressions.

“QA automation has become a popular topic in recent years, and I am delighted that the webinar had such an amazing turnout. I hope that I was able to give young QAs an idea of where to start with REST API testing. I was surprised by the number of questions during our Q&A. There were so many that we didn’t manage to cover all of them during the session. “Some questions even required a little research from our side, and we followed up on them later. All in all, it was a great experience, and I am glad I was able to share my knowledge with the community.”
–Miloš Najdanović, QA Tech Lead, HTEC

About the speaker

Miloš Najdanović has more than seven years of experience as a QA automation engineer. He has been a part of HTEC Group for six years, with over a year in the role of a QA tech lead. Currently, he is engaged in project work conducting automation for a workforce management tool.
